

I deposited a money in the bank.


当ブログは英語が出来るようになりたいと思い始めた私が、英語で日記を書き込んでいるブログ?です。もし何かの縁で私の英語日記を読んでみて何かお気付きの点がございましたら、コメントなどでご指摘頂きたくお願いします<(_ _)>

I'm a japanese who write a diary in English. If there is anything wrong in my English sentence, please let me know the correct English.

I save in two ways.

One is 500 yen coin saving.

The other is to save from selling things I don't need.

Today I deposited a part of it in the bank.

The total amount is 94,000 yen.

The reason why I deposited a part of it is because I have to commission when I deposit coins.

After I convert a lot of 500 yen coins into bills, I'll go to save the rest.

And today I went to the English school again.

This is 3 days in a row.

So I won't go to the English school tomorrow.


That's all for today.
